Use Chicago Bears Christmas Tree Ornaments to deck out your tree in the theme of your favorite NFL team.
There are a ton of different ornaments to choose from so you can have all the variety you want. You’ll be able to create a fun and exciting atmosphere.
Maybe have a tree dedicated only to Chicago Bears ornaments. That would be cool.
There are classic round ball ornaments if you want to go the traditional way and there are lots of novelty ornaments as well.
Chicago Bears Christmas Tree Ornaments
If you have Bears fans on your Christmas gift list you can cross them off right now! Get them one or more of these great Bears ornaments and you’re done! That was easy, wasn’t it? If you have a hard-to-buy-for person and they’re a fan, get them an ornament. Problem solved!
Boelter Brands NFL Chicago Bears Wooden Fan Sign OrnamentYouTheFan NFL Chicago Bears 3D StadiumView Ornament – Soldier Field
Topperscot NFL Chicago Bears Glass Ball Christmas Ornament, Team Color
YouTheFan NFL Logo Series 3D Ornament, team colors
FOCO Chicago Bears NFL Stadium Print Glass Ball Ornament
FOCO Chicago Bears NFL LED Shatterproof Ball Ornament
Chicago Bears Christmas Tree Ornaments
Have you thought of putting a Christmas tree in the Man Cave? Get an artificial tree and decorate it with Chicago Bears ornaments. (Hint: You can leave it past Christmas if you want. It’s your Man Cave, right?)
FOCO Chicago Bears NFLFOCO Chicago Bears NFL
foco 2016 Smores Ornament
Hallmark Chicago Bears Bouncing
foco NFL Reclining Chair
Chicago Bears Christmas Ornaments
Over the years the Chicago Bears have been prominent in pop culture. They were mentioned in several TV shows and movies back in the day. Brian’s Song, the movie from 1971, featured a couple of Bears players, one of which had a fatal illness. Roseanne, The Bob Newhart Show, Family Matters, and The Bernie Mac show all featured the Bears at various times. Some of the shows took place in Chicago and had ongoing references to the Bears.
NFL Chicago Bears Tree Bell OrnamentChicago Bears Official NFL
NFL Chicago Bears Elf Team
NFL Santa Grill Ornament-Chicago Bears
Chicago Bears Holiday Ornaments
The Chicago Bears are based in Chicago, Illinois and play at Soldier Field. They played at Wrigley Field until 1970. As Bears fans will already know, they have a long standing rivalry with the Green Bay Packers.
NFL Logo Smores Ornament Chicago BearsNFL Smores Ornament Chicago Bears
Metal Chicago Bears Camper
NFL Chicago Bears Blown Glass Train
Set of 2 NFL Chicago Bears Snowman Bell
NFL Chicago Bears Silver Star
NFL Chicago Bears Plush Dog Ornament
NFL Station Wagon With Christmas Tree
Christmas Ornament Storage
You will definitely want a storage box or two for all of those Chicago Christmas Tree Ornaments. A storage box will keep the ornaments protected and free of dust. Next Christmas you will be so glad that you got a storage box for your ornaments. They will have been kept safe from breakage, they’ll all be in one place, and they will be organized. No hunting around and not being sure of what you have. Everything will be in one piece. It will give you piece of mind. It makes for less stress and we can all do with less stress at this time of the year.
Square Layer Ornament Storage Container, 13 by 13-InchSterilite 20 Compartment 3
Christmas Ornaments Storage
112-Count Christmas Ornament Storage
64-Count Christmas Ornament Storage
Christmas Tree Ornament Storage
Christmas Ornament Storage Chest
Ornament Storage Box Movable Dividers
Clear 3-Tier Storage Box with Dividers