Going to college is a special time in your life that should be savored while you are there. While you do spend hours of time studying for class, writing papers and working on projects, it is also when you can meet people from all over and find new friends. In fact, most people find that college is a time of making memories that they will remember for a lifetime. University inspires loyalty for students from following sports teams to keeping in touch with fellow alumni after graduation. These Christmas ornaments are great for students while they are still at college to hang in their dorm rooms, or for graduates to show your pride in their accomplishments.
College and University Sports Team Logo Ornaments
Team sports are fun to watch and college teams are watched worldwide by people who have gone to that school and fans from the surrounding area (city or state). You can find plenty of unique college logo ornaments featuring sports themes, especially football, and college mascots. These ornaments below are just a small representation of what is available on Amazon. Click through to search for a school you can’t find on this page.
College Graduation-Themed Xmas Ornaments
For families of college graduates, there are so many reasons to be proud. Finishing a college degree takes a lot of hard work and dedication, focus on studying and staying away from too many parties. Students should be proud of all they have accomplished on their way to finding a career that they love. These graduation-themed ornaments feature that pride. Many of these Xmas ornaments can be personalized with name, school name and date as well as the coloring of the figure itself.
University Logo Xmas Ornaments
Personalized College Major American Flag Ornaments
A special touch for Christmas is ordering a personalized ornament for your college student. These Xmas ornaments below feature the American flag front and center with the name of the college major. You can select from an array of majors to find the one that you are interested in. The next step is personalizing the ornament with the name of your favorite college or university student. They will love hanging these in their dorm year round.
Personalized College Major Christmas Ornaments
For even more options, the personalized college major Christmas ornaments shown below come in several styles including star, t-shirt, heart, oval, circle, ball, framed and snowflake. Each ornament is available in several colors, with fun and apropos sayings such as “no sleep, no money, no life” along with the college major and a space for you to post their name. These high-quality ornaments are very affordable and you can buy them in bulk for a larger group (like a school club) for discount pricing. Just remember to personalize each one individually.